SLG beyond work
We are a family-run business firmly anchored in Hartmannsorf near Chemnitz at the foot of the Ore Mountains for more than 20 years. We are therefore proud to support social and cultural projects and accompany schools in the region.
We regularly support the following events:
- "Großer Diamant-Preis" - bike race in the business park of Hartmannsdorf
- Gewerbefest Hartmannsdorf - local business festival
- Chemnitzer Tage der Industriekultur - Chemnitz Industrial Culture Days
- Genial sozial - social project of education institutes
We assist pupils with their study and career orientation in cooperation with the following schools:
- Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium Chemnitz
- Gymnasium Burgstädt
- Europäische Oberschule Hartmannsdorf
We organise guided tours through SLG for pupils of local schools and provide information at various events for career orientation, e.g. of the project "TMP Brücke" Mittweida.
Our sporting ambitions:
- Corporate challenge at Sachsenring race circuit - Results June 2019: mixed teams' ranking - 3 and 22 of 43 teams, best single result - 3 of 363
- Chemnitz Corporate Challenge - Results of September 2018: ranking men - 108 of 573 teams, women - 58 of 315 teams
- City Run Chemnitz - Result of May 2017: ranking mixed team 5 km - 2 of 6 teams
WHZ Racing Team Zwickau
We support the racing team of the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ), which has participated very successfully for many years in the international construction and racing contest "Formula Student". More information on the WHZ website.