CB Scheme
Faster access to international markets at lower costs
The CB Scheme (Worldwide System for Conformity Testing and Certification of Electrotechnical Equipment and Components), was set up to enable manufacturers and distributors a faster and simpler access to international markets. Certification bodies of more than 50 member states agreed upon a mutual recognition of test results for electrical equipment and components, thus avoiding identical tests of the same product in various countries. Detailed information can be found on the IECEE's official website which acts as an umbrella organisation for the CB Scheme.
SLG Prüf- und Zertifizierungs GmbH was authorised by the IEC to participate in the IECEE/CB certification procedure in 2001. We have been extending our scopes ever since and provide CB testing and certification services for a wide range of products:
SLG CB testing laboratory (CBTL)
SLG CB certification body (NCB)